
Is there a way of tracking my PPC campaigns so I know which keywords are converting?

by  |  earlier

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i have thought a way to do this is create a list for each keyword, but i have over 120, so thats a lot of work.

is there an easier way to work out which keywords a buyer clicked on originally, because when they click on the newsletter weeks later its hard to tell what keyword they searched with originaly.




  1. read these articles

    and this one

  2. use google adwords tool for tracking conversion of visits.

    Analytics will show you all conversion formmorganic SEO and direct, referral sites and also form PPC campaigns.

    Adwords tool shows you only conversions from  PPC  campaigns.

  3. Yes, you can be able to track your PPC campaigns and know exactly which keywords your visitors and customers are clicking, where they are coming from and you can be able to customize and track which keywords are converting and more.

    If you are looking for a free tool than can allow you to do this then you might want to visit "Google Analytics" and you will be able to register and install their tracking stystem.

    Of course if you want something more sophisticated then you can search for a paid tracking system.

  4. You can configure Google Analytic Tool and get all the informations you need.

    You can get from where the visitor came, which keyword bring them on your website, how did they behave on website and from where did they exit.

    It's very easy, just go to and register your website, its free.


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