
Is there a way or method where you will know the exact date when you get pregnant or how long you have been?

by  |  earlier

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I know my english sucks but my questions is it possible that i will now if how long have i been pregnant for example 1 month and 3 days?does it show in ultrasound?please help.thanks




  1. you could try to remember which day you forgot the condom or pill .  

  2. Go to it has everything u can ask. its really cute. and shows you week by week on how your baby grows etc. check it out.  

  3. The only way you will know for sure is if you know when you ovulated. Some women feel it, others use ovulation kits or chart their morning temperatures. That way you can pinpoint the date of conception to within 24 hours. Otherwise, it's pretty much a guessing game, based on your last period date, when your next period was due, and later on in pregnancy, they will also tell you from the ultrasound.

  4. ultrasounds can tell you near enough the exact length of time

  5. The dr. will be able to give you an estimate on how far along you are and. The method without the ultrasound is doing it from the date of  the first day of your last period. Like I am 29 weeks tomorrow. The date of my last period was Jan 22nd. My conception date is around the 14th of February and my Estimated due date is the 31st of October. You will normally ovulate about 2 weeks after the first day of your last period. It varies and every thing is always estimated unless you did  invetro, but the dr. is always within a couple days give or take. Also you will normaly carry the baby for 40 weeks. Good luck and Congrats! :)

  6. Early scans can tell you pretty much to the day how far along you are in your pregnancy because the baby changes so much in the first few weeks. The further along you are the harder it is to tell to the day. I had early scans with mine and they'd say 6 weeks 3 days etc.  

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