
Is there a way that i can make around 2,000 dollars, so I can go on a volleyball trip to Hawaii and rep. TX?

by  |  earlier

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I was selected from a colllege, to represent TX in a nation wide volleyball tour in Hawaii...There are only 2 TX teams & It costs $2,295...I would love to if anyone could give me any Ideas on how to make $2,295 by the end of May, I would really appreciate it.




  1. Depending on your spare time you can baby sit at night and week ends, wash cars, get the rest of the team involved in group fund raising with bake sales to sell at church or in front of a store on Saturday.

    Find a sporting goods store that will sell you some things cheap or donate and raffle them.

    You have plenty of time if you don't waste it.

  2. get a job, that gives good money or

    ask ur parents for a lil

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