
Is there a way that plastic in trash can be disintegrated?

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I heard current research is going on to make corn based plastics to make water bottles. While this might be a decent step forward, we all know there is an enormous amount of plastic debris out there in trash, landfills and I heard in the oceans! Does anyone know if a way has been found to disintegrate these into lower organic compounds. Even though plastics are organic compounds I understand they are very complex compounds and so far no chemical/ other agent has been found that will degrade these.

Of late, I see a lot of people rightfully are realizing that the earth needs to be treated better. But how are humans going to get rid of the plastic debris they have thrown onto the earth so far????




  1. Long is. landfill thousand's of feet high-Guilani should take a shovel and start moveing it.Plastic's covering the ocean from Guad alajara to Hawaii from half way to quarter.  China stopping free plastic bag shopping.  Back in 1953 California voted to keep plastic (a new invention) bag's and other stuff to replace old paperbag's. After that everything then started going plastic's as the refinery's had quadbillion's of tonne's of raw material's to dispose of-it's still out there

  2. I agree-what about using them for roadfways etc? With so many cars and other vehicles around-or building materials, rather than make new...

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