
Is there a way to 'hide' money?

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I need a way of hiding about £10k per year, it will be given to me in cash, and as I'm sure you've already guessed, it's so I don't have to declare it and pay tax.

For anyone about to lambast me, I already pay more than my fair share of tax, and don't feel that our government does anything useful with our tax monies. I happily donate to charities I feel are appropriate using my already taxed income, so that is not a consideration.

Many thanks




  1. hde it in the toilet but put alot of bags so it wont get wet or anything...

  2. Forget about the BS that you pay your fair share. I'm sure you avail yourself of government programs and public roads and parks as much as the next guy. You're just a two bit tax cheat. And no, there's no place to hide your money in any kind of a bank account. You'd have to hide it in your mattress or a safe. For only 10,000 a year though, it might be hard to catch and the feds are probably looking for bigger fish than you to fry.

  3. In your mattress just as people used to do many years ago! no one knew how much they had and thats the way it should be.

  4. keep it in house or invest it.

  5. i can bank it for 10%, untraceable by anyone

  6. an offshore european bank account maybe?

  7. I'm not going to encourage you in this venture but as you realise there are many risks attached.

    What do you intend to do with the money?  This is a serious question.  I mean £10,000 a year if steadily spent should mean a balance on hand of no more than £5,000 at any time.  Why not just keep it in cash?

    Your best bet is to spend it as it is received.  You obviously earn a lot so probably spend a lot each year.  Just make sure that you can account for your perceived standard of living from cash available to you from legitimate sources and spend the extra on luxuries that do not increase your visible standard of living.

    Any other course will involve laundering the money and will have a high risk of detection.

    There are a few ways to launder relatively small amounts with minimal risk but I'm not telling you about these.  I think about them so I can catch people like you out.  And all these methods involve quite a bit of work.  Is it really worth it?

  8. Get a safe deposit box and put it in there, or slowly purchase things you want with cash (not big stuff or you'll enter someone's radar). Buy your groceries, gas, etc. - running expenses, with cash instead of cheques or credit cards. Bank your "legitimate" savings and use that for larger purchases. You'll look like a great saver without being obviously a tax dodger.

  9. put it in gold. currency can deflate very, very rapidly in uncertain times.

  10. Check with some lottery agents for winners who wish to sell their winning tickets of 9k pounds for you. Winning lottery tickets are tax free.

  11. Send it to me, I'll hide it for you.

  12. The not so easiest way, but the coolest way is to hide it under some flooring.

  13. Under your mattress, buried in a coffee can in your back yard, Or I'll hold it for ya!

  14. You could always ask Heather Mcartney if you could stash it in her hollow leg! lol.

  15. Methinks this question is gonna get deleted.

  16. Buy gold Coins , then your money will grow in value without it being on paper. they cheap atm.

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