
Is there a way to PROVE yourself to yourself??

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  1. We must not try to prove ourselves to anyone - others or to our own selves.

    Life is short. We must not get interested in unnecessary things. What we have to do is to make the best of our lives.

    : )    : )    :)

  2. The fact that you are even asking the question should at the same time answer it.  Say this to yourself, "I do not exist"  That would only be intelligible if you did not exist.  But saying it to yourself would not be possible if you didn't exist.  So if you're saying to yourself "I  do not exist" then you exist.

  3. Our own soul doesn't need any "proof" from us but, one thing it needs is to be treated with reasoning which we seldom do, so even being aware of our strengths, we ignore them!

    Thats disrespectful to ourselves!

  4. name, style, personality, knowledge, imagination, confidence like many things are there to prove yourself to yourself.  

  5. As Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am." But, personally, I have nothing to prove. I'm not so insecure that I need to exist. Yet I'm not jumping out of an airplane without a parachute just in case!

  6. "Cogito ergo sum."

    Additionally, being ignorant of this in no way lessens one's existence. Descartes wasn't the first one to present this argument (albeit, not necessarily in this form), but he essentially laid it to rest because it was part of his larger critical analysis of epistemology.

  7. be truthful to yourself-------then u will never find this question arise in ur u will always prove yourself to yourself

  8. It used to be I think, therefore I am. But in reality, it's I am, therefore I am.  

  9. Just stand in front of the mirror and admire yourself.To crossverify

    please ask your mom or dad  to clear your doubts.

  10. As if you exist, or as if you are courageous?

    Ok to prove both, eat two jalapeno peppers right away. If you feel burning, you exist, and if you feel you are a coward, you just disproved it.!

  11. yes there is...

    by being positive, being confident......

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