
Is there a way to be mobile alerted when a friend logs on?

by Guest62973  |  earlier

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Is there a way to be mobile alerted when a friend logs on?




  1. I've gone to several trip with my PDA and my usage has grown each and every time

    First trip was with my Handspring where I used it to keep a journal of my travels. It worked quite well but grafitti is very slow.

    next trip, i had upgraded to an M505 and had a stowaway keyboard too. This was awesome. Journal entries were a snap. Plus metro made travelling a bit easier in HK and LA.

    I had the m505 for a while. It made a good adhoc photo album, street finder, and journal book. I wish i got a travel charger cause lugging the stock cradle was a nightmare!

    When my m505 drowned, I started travelling with an ipaq1910. Oh man, that was fun.. dismal battery life, unreliable alarms, no keyboard again, The only thing it was good for was mapopolis. Too bad it was SLOOOW..

    Now I have my h4150. Wow.. what an improvement. Mapopolis works great, metro got be through the subways of paris, excel kept track of my money, calculator helped convert euros, and the built in wifi let me send a few emails here and there through unsecured hotspots! Woot. I dunno howmany times I checked for free wifi in europe.. but it was great. net-addicts rejoice!:-)

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