
Is there a way to become a pilot through sponsorship?

by  |  earlier

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I dont have to money to pay for the flying lessons and flying time required. No previous experience. Be honest is there any chance?




  1. Join the military..They'll teach you to fly AND pay you to boot.

  2. First, to be a pilot in the military, you need a college degree. If you have one, cool.

    To answer your question if there is a chance, honestly, no.

  3. Yep - talk to an Air Force recruiter, or perhaps the Navy, the Military is the only way to get this training without paying for it.

  4. Yeah to join the air force, thats what im doing once ive left school !!

  5. As mentioned, you do have the option of becoming a military pilot... then you'll receive the training you need and have a good job too.

    However, it's not as easy as just "talking to your recruiter"... military pilot positions have thousands of applicants and you need to be the best of the best to stand a chance. Go for it though... you might as well try.

    If however you would prefer to be a comercial pilot, sadly right now (and for the forseeable future), sponsorship is not an option. Back in the 80s and early 90s, the airlines were hiring massivley as a lot of thier pilots were retiring and they were expanding... Sponsorship deals existed for anybody aged 18 to 24. However, like the military, there were thousands of applicants and the competition was huge.

    The airlines now are shrinking... so they are not offering sponsorship anymore. The only option if you really want to be a comercial pilot is to fund the training yourself.

    There are however training schools that can provide training loans... you can borrow all you need to fund the training and your living costs, then when you're fully trained, the school will hire you as a paid instructor... so you can build up your hours and also get paid for it. The loans are usually defered too (meaning you only start paying it back when you've finished your training... often as much as 2 years later), so you should be in your first airline job before you have to start paying it back.

    This is the option I am going for in about 6 months.

    I wish you all the best, and good luck!

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