
Is there a way to bypass limited internet from new zealand?

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I have a friend in New Zealand who apparently has limited internet, meaning he can only download/use about 6mb per month and once he goes over that amount his speed switches down to a dial up speed, is there any way of bypassing that or any ideas as to how he can stretch his time, maybe using an alternate source for uploading/sending information? Sorry if this is a bit undetailed.




  1. There's no such thing as a 6mb limit anywhere. It will be 6 gb and he should be able to have it upgraded to some extent if he's prepared to pay more per month or change ISPs.

  2. i would suggest...

  3. No way, except to upgrade the limit

  4. He could probably upgrade his limit, but I'd question if his current limit is only 6mb. It's far more likely to be 6gb - I've never heard of a limit as low as 6mb.

  5. It's more like 6gb - that's what I have and most months I don't use all that. It does slow down, and there's not much you can do about that.

    See the link - Telecom is New Zealand's biggest provider so other providers are usually a little lower or competitive.

    Update: You can't fully bypass the limit, but if you know you're approaching the end you can get a lot more download for a few hours if you don't reboot your router. (I've done this by accident.) I understand that the quantity downloaded is only uploaded when you reboot it or at midnight.

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