
Is there a way to bypass the security chip on the ignition key?

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Occasionally, our 2000 Chev S-10 won't start. It turns over has spark and is getting fuel. Just won't stay running.




  1. Are you sure its the security chip?  You cannot override it. It is a theft deterrent.  If you have a key made and it isnt programmed to your vehicle, it will throw it in theft mode and the vehicle  will not start.  The  only way to move it from that point is to have it towed to a dealer and then get charged for them to reset the computer.

  2. If it has a spark and has fuel then it is not a fault with the immobilser

  3. Does the "Security" light flash when this happens?  If it does then the Passcode Relearn procedure needs to be performed.  If not, then bypassing the security chip (which you can't really do anyway) won't help.  

  4. More than likely a Fuel Pump is going out, very common with this vehicle.

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