
Is there a way to cancel my bid on ebay?

by  |  earlier

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i am in way over my head and i accidentally bidded 2 things and their expensive, im winning them both and there isnt much time left like 20 hours and im getting scared, 2 questions, if i win the bid do i have to buy it no matter what? and if i dont, how do i cancel it? second Q is can somebody please bid? its a great deal (nintendo ds lite console) it comes with 18 free games (and yes i said 18 FREE GAMES) so please please help me out people! and hurry like 20 hours left!!!!! here is the url please help me out!!




  1. You cannot cancel the bid.

    You can contact the seller and ask, they are allowed to refuse. They can cancel a bid if they want.  Maybe you can offer to buy something else they are selling instead that is cheaper and remain in their good graces.

    While they cannot make you buy, eBay can cancel your account.  Is losing your account worth it.  No one forced you to bid. Be more cautious next time.  

  2. You can't cancel it.

    The fact that you are trying to get someone to bid on this makes it sounds like you're trying to scam us into buying it. I wonder if you are the seller.

  3. “f you place a bid before the last 12-hours of the listing: You may retract that bid before the last 12-hours, if your situation meets the above description of exceptional circumstances. You will not be allowed to retract that bid during the last 12-hours of the listing.

    When you retract a bid before the last 12 hours of a listing: You will eliminate all bids you have placed on that item. If you are correcting a bidding error, you will have to bid again.

    If you place a bid during the last 12-hours of the listing: You may retract the bid only within one hour after placing the bid (and if your situation meets eBay's exceptional circumstances description).

    When you retract a bid within the last 12 hours of the listing: You will eliminate only the most recent bid you placed. Bids you placed prior to the last 12 hours will not be retracted.

    If you are not allowed to retract your bid during the last 12-hours of the listing, you may contact the seller to request that your bid be canceled. The seller will have the discretion whether to cancel your bid”

  4. You cant cancel it now

  5. if other people want it they are watching it but you have to wait until the end of the bid thats when people start bidding anyway so you have nothing to worry about!! if u end up buying it e-mail the seller and tell him you didnt  really want it or look at the return policy it has!! hope i helped = )

  6. second time u posted this in 15 minutes but once bid ends if no one bids u can contact bidder and give sincere apology and hope they dont give bad feed back but someone will prob bid higher

  7. type in either in the help bar, retact bid, oe go to google and type "how to retract a bid on ebay" you then enter the item number and your user id i believe, dont do it too much or you'll get suspended for 30 days, trust me, its happened to me, not fun, you can still sell though :]

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