
Is there a way to change an eGroup's home page other than the Yahoo! default?

by  |  earlier

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Putting the Group Calendar would be neat to have on the home page; or showing the members' list with photos; or having templates to choose from to make an eGroup's home page more specific to the Group's needs.




  1. i don't know how you would do a calender, {other than maybe making it into a jpeg and changing/updating it often}, but as for a group pic and members list, that's easy.  first, you become a member of a free image hosting site, like  then, you learn HTML if you don't know it already.  there are sites like that can help you with it.  to do my homepage up i use code and graphics that i've made.  you just need someone to host your pics.  what you would put as code looks something like this <img src="">  then just format it the way you like.  my group is called westlandmamas if ou want to see how i did my page up.  i hope this helps.  

    lol, almost forgot: you put the code in the description part of your group...  sorry bout that.  :0)

  2. This would be a good question for you to place on Yahoo Group Suggestion Board.  Items posted there are reviewed by Yahoo Staff Members.  Here is the link for the Groups Suggestion Board:

    Yahoo is also considering changing the format of Y! Groups and is soliciting input from Groups users.  You could post your suggestions in the Groups Beta category.  Here is the link for that:

  3. at this time, no however yahoo is working on Beta groups which the home pages have much more flexibility. many Beta test groups are out there and they all look different.

    just be patient for the release of beta- they're saying upon the release, all groups will be transfered to the beta's

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