
Is there a way to convert regular pc games onto my windows mobile pocket pc device. is it called an emulator?

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Is there a way to convert regular pc games onto my windows mobile pocket pc device. is it called an emulator?




  1. There are emulators for most video game systems except ps3, xbox 360 and few others...

    Like just about any system you can think of... Gameboy, commodore, atari, genesis, name one!

    For PC games it depends on the game....

    They are called emulators regardless though.

  2. There are things called emulators, e.g. SNES and Genesis emulators which run on your PC. However these only work because your PC is so much more powerful than those old consoles.

    It wouldn't work the other way round i.e. getting PC games which require a powerful PC to run, and making them run on a tiny machine with little processing power.

    So in answer to your question, no it's not possible.

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