
Is there a way to create an electric car with two batteries?

by  |  earlier

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so you have an electric car with 2 batteries, you charge 1, and then you use the rotation of all 4 axles to charge the other. obviously, (there would be turbines or what ever one uses to generate power attached to each axle) when battery 1 is used, switch, and recharge. This seems so logical, so why is in not being done




  1. You are describing a perpetual motion machine. The energy to charge the second battery just comes from the first one  except there are losses in energy conversion. It eventually runs down. What you propose violates the laws of physics.

  2. This may be ur idea its called the "Volvo Electric Car ReCharge Concept hybrid In-Wheel Motor EV"

    watch it

  3. It wont work.

    Technically you are recharging the second battery with the first by moving a car, unfortuantly due to friction, heat loss, battery degradation and sound energy loss then you would loos energy each time you ran it... my estimate is that using 2 powerful car batteries you should be able to travel about 20km before absolute flat batteries.

    Considering that a battery causes more pollution to make and discard than the 2.5 litres of petrol to get you 20km then you probably saving the environment more using petrol.

    Not only this, but why not just run the car on one battery and charge it as you go... you will get just as far.

    Currently hybrid cars are made so that they alternate between battery and fuel. basically in order to compensate for the energy loss they use a small amount of fuel. This amount is based upon how much braking and downhill travel you do... the more uphill travel and accelleration the more fuel you use.

    Hybrid cars are the way of the future and i highly recomend either buying one, numerous companies are releasing them. I plan on getting something like this in the future.

  4. Sort of like how Dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time so they can still surface and breathe when they need to. Not a bad idea I'll try to find out more about it.

  5. The copyright was probably bought by a auto promoter and shelfed.

    The same thing happened 20 yr's ago when car's where getting 20 to 30 a gallon.

    a guy invented a carburator that got 60 mi. to gal. and his invention was bought and then shelfed.

  6. Do away with the battery, just connect the wheels to the motors. It should be obvious that if you first push it, your motion will generate electricity, which will then drive the motors for forward motion, which will generate further power to keep the motors running.

    Sorry. Being funny. If you could charge further batteries, the power required to do so would exceed the power available to drive the car in the first place!

    Should we ever get to using electric cars, a better plan would be for all car makes to use a common battery module, hopefully much smaller and lighter than the battery setups currently available. Then instead of recharging, you might pull into a service station (charging station), and swap your battery for a recharged one. Just like picking up petrol now.

    An even better alternative would be a battery that can be instantly charged. Perhaps a large capacitor???

    What you suggest is not being done because it cannot be done.

  7. Is there a way to start a fire with only one stick to rub?

  8. I cannot see why something like a dynamo could not be used to charge the battery, or batteries as we drive. That way, the batteries could be charged while one drives and the driving range would be greatly enhanced.

  9. You can do a test yourself get a small generator and a small motor and a set of batteries it won't cost much.

    But I can tell what's going to happen, assuming your generator is 90% efficient and your motor is 90% efficient you only get back 81% of the engery you put in. That not counting the engery needed to move the car. So under ideal conditions you lose 19% just turning the motor and generating electricity.

    It's been tried and it don't work sorry.

  10. there is probably way more to that than you may think but if u cant find any flaws (or it hasn't  been used )u may want to patent that idea

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