
Is there a way to determine having a boy or girl when trying to get pregnant? ?

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just wondering for when i try for my own little rugrats.




  1. There is a method called Shettles Method and it works on the theory that Male sperm Y swim faster but die quicker and female sperm X swim slower but last longer. So they say by stopping having s*x 2-3 days before ovulation gives the male sperm time to die off and the females enough time to live and wait for the egg.

    However this isn't 100%

    Also by changing some things in your diet can help change your bodies PH levels and favor one s*x over another.

    For a girl you should increase Calcium by taking a calcium table and a magnesium table too. And cut down on the potassium and sodium.

    For a boy increase potassium and sodium and cut down on the calcium and magnesium.

    Also by stopping having s*x just a few days before ovulation can mean that you won't get pregnant first time or even the 5mth month.

    You could by adding in the diet related things just have s*x everyday/otherday and just have s*x through ovulation. And hope that by changing your diet you get the gender you would like.

  2. In this time in age, you can tell when the female is pregnant, And in some cases you have a choice of Gender, there have been recent tests and it works 100% you should look more into the whole gender changing for more in. Hope this helps!

  3. I hear that the girl sperm last longer... so the person who said the 3-5 for a girl and 1-3 for a boy, that's why. Have it 4 days before, and the little girl sperm lasts longer (so they say) so they are more likely to be the ones to get through and implant in the egg. However, trying the 1-3 would mean that there are just as many boy/girls but the boys travel faster. That's what I read.

  4. I've heard of people and know people that have read books and all that...what you're going to have, is what you're going to have.

    It depends on the chromosomes that your husband sends out and which ones hook up with the your egg(s).

    You'll be happy with worries!

    Best wishes

  5. Supposedly, if you have s*x 3-5 days before ovulating, you have a better chance for a girl. If you have s*x 1-3 days before ovulating, you have a better chance for a boy.

    Like I said, that is just supposedly.

    We tried that method and got a girl, but were trying for a boy. We love her just the same though!

  6. no

  7. There are of course lots of old wives tales like:

    Eat chocolate to conceive a girl

    Eat acidic food to conceive a boy

    Another one that is quite common, is that if you want to conceive a girl, to have s*x a few days before ovulation (because the girl sperms are slower, but stronger), and if you want a boy, to have s*x on the day of ovulation (because they are faster than the girl sperms)

    *****baby dust*****

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