
Is there a way to diagnose mild autism/mild asbergers or is it by actions like adhd?

by Guest61700  |  earlier

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I think I have a mild form of autism, noting thats been diagnosed however. I was "held back" from first grade because I was "socially unready" and put into readiness (for those for you who don't know a post kindergarden/pre first grade class) I literally had no friends from 2nd - 8th grade. In high school in the beginning of my junior year they put me in special ed classes once a day in the "resource room" By this time I had failed a number of classes freshman social studies twice, freshman science twice and sophomore science once 2 english classes (the list goes on). I barely graduated with 21 credits. the average student (taking 7 classes a semester) has the chance for 28 credits so I failed 12+ classes in my high school year and they refused to have me tested to see if I could get an IEP the entire time.

But anyways I do think that there is something wrong with me, what are your thoughts.




  1. I am a teacher but not trained in this area - I only have friends/aquaintances who fit some/any of the above cases. In one case they only recently diagnosed a man with asbergers, and he is almost 30 (this is in Germany, where they are usually pretty good about testing etc). But yes, autism usually shows itself at ca. age 3.

    You haven´t mentioned being tested for ADS/ADHS, and I don´t know how things are where you live, but you may want to try being tested for that, if possible. And even if it is to only rule those things out. That said, as you know, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish these "labels".

    In any case, whatever you think is "wrong" with you, don´t over look all which is obviously very RIGHT with you. You have had trouble in the school system but are able to look at the situation with objectivity and try to find the reason. And despite the troubles you DID graduate - so, so many people don´t make it that far.

    Getting a diagnosis is actually only inteneded as a help for one to move forward, so don´t sit around wondering what exactly is "wrong". Figure out (and make a list of ) your strong areas and see what kind of job/training/career might suit your style of thinking and learning. The old saying ," knowing your weaknesses is actually a strength" is so true, and I have used it for myself too. Being honest about what works for you and what doesn´t WILL bring you forward, shrinking away from admitting  a problem brings you backwards.

    Sorry about the speech here - what I mean is that you shouldn´t place toooooo much emphasis on a "diagnosis" (although getting one is useful), because I have seen them turn out to be inaccurate a number of times. Focus on "You" first and foremost, and put what "others think you may be" farther down on your list.

    Good luck!

  2. True2K5 is mistaken--autism is not a disease.  It is mostly genetic but can be caused by damage to the brain.  I'm not trying to be "politically correct" about it.  Simply put, it's a "disorder" or a "disability" and not a "disease."

    There is nothing "wrong" with you, per se.  Your brain simply functions differently from the majority of the population.  You didn't catch something--no viruses or bacteria.  You don't have a "disease" of the brain.  If you do have autism--along with OCD and AD/H--your brain just operates differently from the majority of people.  Truly, you're just different, not being "something wrong."

    Additionally, your surest way of resolving the question of whether or not you have autism is to check with your doctor and get a referral to see a psychologist or someone in the mental health profession.

    The purpose of getting a proper diagnosis is so that you can be equipped with some coping skills for your autism.  It's very IMPORTANT to observe that it's COPING SKILLS that your diagnosis would lead to.  It might be that you get help with developing strategies for responding to how your brain operates.

    You mentioned that you have OCD and AD/HD.  (AD/HD is the current for what used to be labeled as "ADD.")

    It's okay  to peruse Yahoo! Answers for personal views and opinions, but do be leery of "diagnoses" from forums like these.

  3. I would apply with your state vocational rehab office. They will test you, give you vocational testing and help with a career.

  4. Most forms of autism are diagnosed by age three. I am unsure of your age but if you are around 20 then your doctor would of screened you for the disorder back then (I mention age because there was a time when autism was not screened). So I do not believe you have autism

    Also your school could be sued for refusing to evaluate you for an IEP. Under IDEA (Individuals Disability Education Act) all schools must follow certain guidelines when it comes to these situations. How were you put into the special education classes without an IEP ?

    It's hard to say what the problem may be but I suggest going to a different doctor since it seems the one you have now is not helping you.

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