
Is there a way to experience weighlessness on earth? Like the astronauts, but without the space shuttle?

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I come from a family of wealth and means and am willing to pay any monetary amout to experience weightlessness. Is there a company out there that can accomodate this?




  1. Yes, by using a large airplane and going through parabolic trajectories, you can experience weightlessness without actually leaving the earth's orbit (albeit it's not on ground). Visit the website in my sources below for details on the commercial "flights."

  2. You have to take a trip on the "Vomit Comet" where brief durations of weightlessness can be experienced.

    If you send me about US$10million I will arrange it for you, business or first class?

  3. There are amusement-park rides where you get strapped in to a seat like a roller-coaster and then dropped from a tower.  You'll be weightless for a little over a second.

  4. Yes but not for very long and very expensive (you could just as well jump off a plane at full height without a parachute)

  5. Sort of yes.

    There is no way to shield yourself from gravity so there are no "anti" gravity rooms to go in.

    However, NASA uses a plane dubbed the "Vomit Comet" (since people frequently throw up when experiencing weightlessness) to simulate zero-g for its astronauts.

    A company called Zero G will take paying passengers on a similar flight (see link below).

    Essentially the plane flies very high and then plummets to the ground in a free-fall.  For a minute or two those in the plane experience zero-g and float around the padded (you bump into things a lot) interior.

  6. There are two ways to do this. One, scuba diving. NASA trains astronauts in very large pools, and that lets the astronauts try out the techniques that they will need to know for spacewalks.

    The other is what NASA calls The Vomit Comet. A jet plane flies up to high altitude, and dives, which creates about 30 seconds of weightlessness feeling inside of the plane. Then, it pulls out of the dive, zooms back up and does it again, and so on.

    Theres a company in Las Vegas that offers this to paying customers.

  7. Those of us  without $5,000 to spare, just jump off a high dive board. For the few seconds before you hit the water, you will be weightless.  But for about 5 grand, you can take a trip on the Zero G airplane, and have about   30 seconds -- see the link.

  8. On Earth, no. In the air, sure. There are companies who take people up in planes, which then fly in a parabolic arc, resulting in brief periods of weightlessness for the passengers.

    And lucky you for being born to wealth! Are you interested in financing my invention? It's a sure-fire hit, bound to make lots of money. I guess, though, you already have that.

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