
Is there a way to find hidden cameras outdoors?

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I am pretty sure there are hidden cameras outside my house and I was wondering if there is an easy way to detect them. And is it possible to ruin what has been recorded in the past week? :)




  1. Wow. You sound DESPERATE.

    Get a life.

  2. Next time you walk past the watchmans desk, look at the monitors. If they go to someones lap top, I doubt it.

  3. Tell ya what,

    send me the photos, and I'll see what I can do?

  4. Look for the cameras.  Duh.

    Girl, what did you do or get caught doing?  Even if there aren't cameras out there, don't you know that mother has eyes in the back of her head and knows EVERYTHING?

    Maybe you should should behave from now on.  If you don't want to get caught doing whatever it is you did, then just don't do it.  Novel idea, I know.

  5. Go around with a bright light at night and look for a reflection?

  6. Not all the time because they are  sometimes concealed from the naked eye.

  7. Go out naked and if you hear commotion from a parked surveillance van nearby you have succeeded in flushing them out.

  8. What did you do?

    The Rat

  9. Well. Detection is easy, there are two methods:

    1. Look for hippies with signs that say "Down with Cameras"

    2. Look for those cleverly hidden lampposts that just never turn on and have black glass. OOH! Dammit, so hard to detect!

    Erasing, one way:

    1. Break into the office of your local CIA, and blow it up. (I do not recommend that as the FBI will soon arrive and shoot you)

    Hiding, two ways:

    1. Fake your own death

    2. Come over to my place, we'll get drunk and make fake 911 calls!

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