
Is there a way to find out how many people look at your group? from the outside? if its public reading?

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Is there a way to find out how many people look at your group? from the outside? if its public reading?




  1. Like that other person said I would put a hit counter on your website....if I were you though I would put one that only counts each person one time instead of each and every time that they visit your group. I can't remember what it is called but I know has one that counts them one time.

  2. you can add a hit counter, but there is no way to tell which would be non members or members.

    you also have to pay attention to the characters used, hit counters are html codes and some can hog up the characters allowed

    * bravenet has neat tools, however some things are going to conflict with yahoo's format when it comes to html- plus as I said they're huge codes in size and a person needs to know how to edit these in order to make them still work with yahoo while editing. edit the wrong thing, it wont work at all. find a few, many sites out there, do a search. play with it, trial and error until you find one that works or already has a small code.

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