
Is there a way to find out who is calling and hanging up?

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Ive just had someone ring me three times today and not say anything, i want to know who is playing funny buggers is there any way i can find out who is calling me? in australia




  1. I  had  that  problem,  called  phone  conpany and told them  , a day so later  I was  told  it is  a  sales  computer.  It calls  several numbers  same  time  and  hope you just  hold  till they can pick up.  I  go  listed  on  the  NO  Call  list  and al OK  now.  Call and  ask about  no call list.   But  if  you put  number on computer  info it  sometimes connected  with sales  product  I also discovered.    *mamatx

  2. Your telephone provider can put you on a scheme that will not allow people to call if they with hold their number.  This way you can do a check to see who called and nine times out of ten it stops nuisance calls.

    In England we have the Telephone Preference Line tpl

    This stops all cold calling.

  3. If it's happening on a regular basis, write down the date & time it happened. Then contact the police who will then make an attempt at tracing it. Someone making nuisance calls is an offence under the telecommunications act. I've put on 101 & screen it, so when it rings for a certain amount of time, the person has to leave a message or hang up. If you dont want to do that, you can always press *10# (in other words, ignore the phone ringing, then press it when it stop ringing) unless it is from a private number, it will always tell you the last number that someone tried to call you from.

    Both 101 & *10# are free btw

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