
Is there a way to generate a packing list in excel spreadsheet?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to automate some manual work for my online store. I can download all the orders into excel. Each line contains, order ID, buyer's first name, last name, address 1, city, etc. Is there a way I can somehow create an invoice template and create some packing list for each order?




  1. Easy, but you'll have to learn programming and VBA.  Then just write a program to print the packing slip from the data in the sheet.

    Directly, with a few keystrokes?  No, that's why custom programs cost so much - they're not just a few keystrokes.

  2. Yes definitely possible. First in sheet1 put all your data. In sheet2 create a template for your packing slip. In one cell type your order id (eg A1). In other cells where you want buyer first name just put the formula "=vlookup(A1,sheet1!A1:A500,2,false)". Similarly change the index value the same formula for last name & address. Then change the order id you will get the result.

  3. Yes. If you create your template on another sheet, you can use formulas to reference your data accordingly. Here's an example:

    Say your data is on Sheet1, and column A has order ID and column B has buyer's first name (you can fill in the rest). On your template sheet (call it Sheet2 here), make cell A1 a user-entered one where you enter the row # of the record you want. So you might type '2' into A1 on Sheet2 to get the second record.

    Now in the cell where you want the order ID, enter this formula:


    This will go into Sheet 1 column A and get the record # of whatever you keyed into A1. In your template cell for First Name, enter a similar formula only for column B:


    Then you can add the rest for your other fields.

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