
Is there a way to get a childs rights signed over without a lawyer?

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the child is my fiancee's and the father is an *** who doesnt want a part of the childs life , the kid doesnt even has his last name and i want to adopt him and have him have my last name because i actually love the little dude




  1. You can, if both parties agree on all the terms.  But I would still get at least a paralegal to look over any forms you complete.  If there is an error on the forms, it could delay things and paralegals are usually cheaper than lawyers.

  2. You CAN, but you shouldn't!  There are some things in life that are to important to leave to someone unskilled (and at legal forms you are unskilled).  Child's Rights are to important to get it wrong!

  3. This varies by state. Where I live a parent can't relinquish their "rights" to a child unless the child is being adopted.

    ETA: In that case, you'll need to check the applicable laws in your state. My husband and I did this with our oldest and we had to be married a year before a judge would even consider terminating rights. However, it might be different in your state.

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