
Is there a way to get anti-depressants with out your parents finding out if your on their insurance and 18?

by  |  earlier

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And no answers telling me to talk with my parents or other BS like that.




  1. Your records are private but they may show up on your bill.   Besides there is nothing wrong with taking drugs if you need them.   A nd you parents should be accepting of that.  

    If not, then get a job that covers them.   Good Luck!

  2. It is possible.  You would have to check the mail for a while to make sure there is nothing from the insurance co. saying they paid something or that something is owed.

    But you may need anxiety meds too after all that worrying about them finding out.

  3. If you are covered on an HMO, you will probably need to get a referral to a psychiatrist for the prescription. The referral may be sent to your home. Any co-pay should be paid when you are seen, so that the doctor does not send a bill. You should ask your Primary Care Doctor about the process.

    If you have a PPO, you should be able to go to a preferred psychiatrist without a referral, but the insurance will send an EOB (Explanation of Benefits)to the home in the subscribers name when they process the payment for the doctor appt.

    For the actual medication, you will be asked to pay whatever co-pay you owe when you have the prescription filled. There should not be anything sent to the home on that.

  4. My suggestion is trying to get as much as information as you could before making any decision,here is a good resourece.

  5. Slap yourself silly son! 18 and still on your parents insurance? Get a McJob and get some health benifits  

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