
Is there a way to get around the deductible of insurance companies?

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my car got broken into this weekend, they broke the window, it had tint. the vinyl was stabbed with a s***w driver, and the glass scratched up the paint. i just want a window with tint. and want to know if there is a way to get the other money to put towards an alarm somehow?




  1. According to what I've read, some insurance companies will waive the deductible, while others wont.  Check with your insurance company to see if they will allow it.  Hope this helps =)

  2. First of all my answer stinks cuz i know nothing bout insurance lol but I'll answer anyway!! WOOO!! This is more like a "oh cheer up buddy!" or something than an answer oh well...

    I dont like bad people...they stink! I'm always afraid this is going to happen to my sry to hear about that :(

    What I would do if i had way too much time on my hands is at night when the car was parked in front of my house I'd leave my window open and borrow a paintball gun from someone...and then whenever i would hear someone try to break into my awesome car I'd shoot them with some paintballs. Yeaa....if i only had the time to do that lmao.

    But uhmmm I found some car alarms at for you...they're not like 10 bucks but I mean I'd spend money on an alarm.....cuz you'll spend more on repairs for getting it broken into you know?

    And I'm rambling blah blah blah so here's the site:;...

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