
Is there a way to get condoms without being embarrassed?

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I dont feel like buying them at the store. I'm only 15 and it would be too embarrassing for me.




  1. a family health office or planned parenthood should be able to give you some free ones, and won't judge you for it... they WANT you to use them. :) great to hear your trying to be responsible for yourself and others.

    have fun and stay safe.

    p.s. there's also tons of sites that give condoms out

  2. if your not ready to be ok with buying condoms then dont have s*x at all. You still have your whole life to have s*x with the one special girl you chose to marry. or have a stable relanship with. and at 15 its not a stable relanship. plan parent hood has them but i think u need some growing up to do before u have s*x.

  3. if your embarrassed to

    dont have s*x

    how old are you?

    15 yrs old?

    go read a book or something productive then being a minor having s*x

  4. If you're too embarrassed to buy condoms, you're not ready for s*x.

  5. turn 18 and It shouldnt be embarrassing!!!

  6. If it's too embarrassing to buy condoms, then you shouldn't be having s*x.

  7. Just go in the store and buy them at a self check out (if possible) and then your done. Why's it embarrassing that your making the right choice by having protected s*x. You know...who are people to judge you for doing the right thing.

    You can buy them online too BUT you'll need a credit card to do so. You can get a free sample too. Or go to planned parenthood, they wont judge you.

  8. If your not mature enough to buy condoms your not mature enough to be having s*x and dealing with the consequences. Imagine the embarrassment in buying a pregnancy test or getting tested for STDs.

  9. What is more embarrassing?

    Buying condoms and being responsible for your health and safety?


    Finding out later at the health clinic that you have a STD because you were TOO embarrassed to take the simple precaution and buy a box of condoms?

    If you are too embarrassed to buy condoms, then you are too young and immature to be even thinking about s*x..

    Use common sense please..

  10. Gee, you could always ask mommy or daddy.

    Go to one of those India run gas stations and look in the bathroom.

    Why not wait til you grow up.

  11. If you are to embarrassed to buy them then you are not ready to have s*x.  Worrying about how people are going to look at you or say about you is nothing compared to the embarrassment of ending up with an std or falling pregnant.

  12. It's a sign that you are too young for s*x.  Gas station bathrooms and restaurant bathrooms used to have machine that you can buy them.

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