
Is there a way to get ink stains(I'm serious) out of the inside of a dryer?

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Is there a way to get ink stains(I'm serious) out of the inside of a dryer?




  1. Depending on what the stain is, different things will work.  Eucalyptus oil, nail polish remover, or rubbing alchohol is good for removing ink, especially the erasable kind.  Blood comes out with hydrogen peroxide/bleach, and white vinegar is also really great for removing food/vegetable type stains.

  2. I tried all the solutions offered above - nothing worked!  I don't know if it's because it was a gel pen or what.  I even called the manufacturer, who offered the same solutions.  What finally worked - be very careful of the fumes - was acetone from the home improvement store.  I set up several fans while using this stuff.  Use as little as possible, as it may take of the coating on the drum of the dryer - not cool, but to me, that was better than the ink.  Also, expect to get a little sore - the less acetone you use, the more you get to rub.  I used rags and paper towels.  Be careful when disposing of these.

  3. I know it works on clothes, I've never had to try this on a dryer~~just hair spray. Spray lots of hair spray and rub a lot and that very well may take care of it. I've saved a lot of shirts that way I know.

    Good luck!

  4. Try using Goo Gone or Goof Off.  Don't breathe the fumes in the dryer, especially with the Goof Off.  Try the Goo Gone first, it's a lot easier on the finish of the dryer and your lungs.  I had to take a deep breath, go in and wipe until I couldn't hold it anymore and then pop back out to breathe.

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