
Is there a way to get into acting that doesn't involve paying out for an agent?

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I've been to auditions and it seems those with agents or those with experience get the part before people who are good without experience. I go to a drama class and my teacher, who has been working on screen in soaps and adverts for years, says that I am clearly very talented. Yet I did not even get a part when only 20 people turned up for 45 roles. Why is this? Many people also say I am very pretty, so I don't really understand, if I am good looking and good at acting, why am I not getting anything?




  1. Well, first off, you don't pay for an agent. They take a commission on whatever you make when you book a job.

    Second, welcome to the world of acting. It mostly involved rejection. You may go to 50 auditions before you book something and you just have to be prepared for it. This is not a industry for the thin skinned. You have to be mentally tough. Audition-wise, just put it out of your head. As for not getting cast, you really have no idea why you weren't. if could have absolutely nothing to do with your ability and how pretty you are.

    If you truly love doing this, all you can do is just keep plugging away. Stay in your classes (is this in school? You may want to look for some classes outside of school as well), keep training, keep auditioning  and just remember that every actors faces much more rejection than success. That doesn't sound very motivating :) but ultimately, it weeds out those who really want to do it and who don't.

    Also, consider taking an auditioning and a cold reading class. If you do musicals, take an "auditioning for musical theatre" class. Anything where you can work on new material in a safe environment, in front of an audience, so you're not presenting it for the first time at the audition.

    One other thing, yes people with experience are more likely to get parts than people without. It's just the way it goes. However, if you ARE good, just keep going and you'll find a director who's willing to take a chance on you and give you that break. Don't get discouraged! It happens to every actor when they're first starting out!!

  2. you can look for auditions here, it's free: hollywood-opportunities(dotcom)

  3. Just being good looking isn't enough you're probably just not right for the roles you're auditioning for.

  4. First off, I hope you're not basing this frustration off a single audition. Everyone gets more no's than yes's, even the most fabulously talented and gorgeous performers. It's just the nature of the business; there's more actors than there are jobs.

    When you don't get cast, it isn't necessarily because they think you're not talented. When you're casting a show, there are a LOT of factors to weigh in, and you want to cast someone who's a good natural fit in each role; maybe your hair was too light, or you were too tall or too short when standing next to another actor they wanted, or any number of silly things you have no control over.

    And yes, casting directors greatly prefer to cast people who have a lot of experience. These people have proven that they can handle the workload and won't crack under pressure. It's sort of a risk to cast new talent, no matter how great they seem in the audition.

    And finally, I'm troubled by something you mention in your question: you say you're paying for an agent but not getting any jobs. Are you aware that the procedure for a legit agent to get paid is to take a percentage, usually around 15%, off what you get from a job they help you get? Any agent who tries to take money from you in any other way is scamming you. Run far, far away from them and anyone associated with them.

  5. Its like any business when looking for staff you often first look for people through people you know and trust , the movie makers , the ad guys , and theater lovies , will use agents based on past experience , it may cost you but will give you a head start , in a very hard to break into career

  6. Because it is an almost impossible profession to get into. Often it has nothing to do with how you look, but how they want the character to look.

    The best thing you can do is get yourself properly trained at an accredited drama school. Then you will get a show case which agents will come to.

    Alternatively send your headshots and CV's to as many agents and co-ops (groups of actors who work as agents for each other) and see if you have any luck.

    But drama school would be my advice.

  7. It depends what role you go for.

    At auditions, the people already know what they are looking for. You have to be within the height, have blue eyes ect. They are very fussy but having an agent would help you get a better experience.

    When you enter an audition look confident and try to stand out among the other people.

  8. you shoudl do some classes!participate in plays! build up your resume! get an agent! do auditions! get headshots!

    and for an agent go to and scroll down till you find city nearest you

    read everythign you see! and click on words in blue but not double udnerlined ones and i suggest that you sign up with alan baltes go to first site and look at right column it explains everything! he wont be an agent just help you out and its a one time fee of 30 dollars and totally worth it!

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