
Is there a way to get my Jury Duty date changed?

by Guest59894  |  earlier

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I have an inservice for teaching on the same day i was assigned jury (i am a teacher...) and i really need to go to this inservice.

Any suggestions?




  1. yeah in my state (MA) you just call the number on the letter they sent you and resceduale

  2. Don't show up.  You will get another notice in the mail telling you that you missed your date and you will be assigned a new one automatically.

    I'd show up to the second one. If necessary, you can do this one more time before they get serious and threaten you.  All in all, you'll be fine if you show up to the rescheduled date.

    I did this by going through it about two weeks ago.  Good Luck.

  3. You can often enough explain your perfectly good reason for being unable to attend and they will mark you off the list. If it is something you HAVE to do for your job, they might let you off. Just call and talk to them about it. I had to have some things sent in for being out of the country for work when I was supposed to be on jury duty, so they might can work with you.

  4. Call the number on your jury form and explain the situation to them. They hate any excuse, so be sure you have proof.

  5. Yes.  The answer depends on the state and county you live in. Each state has different court rules governing jury service, and some counties have local rules about deferrments and delays and excuses from jury service for good cause ( a good reason).

    In my county and state, for example, a jury commissioner's assistant may exercise his/her discretion, and delay a jury date for a good reason. In other counties, the judges may have to excuse prospective jurors, or they may have a policy that automatically allows some latitude with jury service. Among other reasons, such as illness of the juror or a close family member, such as a child, who is dependent on the juror, they can get excused for what is generally termed "hardship". It is a broad category--financial, family, age, employment, other public service (elected officials), teachers, nursing mothers, active duty military, and for various other reasons. Even such things as a long-planned vacation or something special like a class obligation or assignment (teacher or student), can allow an excuse.

    Some classifications of people are automatically exempt by law in some states: police, firefighters, medical personnel, military on active duty, and those who have served within a specific period of time (in my state, a year). Some people are prohibited from service: non-citizens, those who have not lived in the county for a specific period of time (in mine, 30 days), convicted felons, etc.

    In my county, usually the clerk can grant one delay, for up to six months, but the juror still has a duty to be called at a later date if they are excused once.

    Just call the number on the jury summons, and explain the problems you may have. They trial to be understanding and considerate where it is possible, and they obviously realize that some people are going to need help to make the jury system work as well as it can.

    Good luck.

  6. Depends on where you live.  I'm in NY and here you can call up and request that your jury service take place during another week.  Best weeks to request are Thanksgiving and Christmas since the lawyers are on vacation and very few cases are tried during that time.  I've never had to do it myself, but a friend of mine has, and so has my youngest sister.  

    I also agree with calling in and explaining your situation.  Keep in mind that many people just don't want to serve and will make up any excuse, so whoever you talk to will probably not trust you.  Have all your facts straight, a person at the school district that the court can call to confirm your explaination.

    Good luck.

  7. My spanish teacher talked to the Judge once and explained that she couldn't leave her students and they said fine and let her just skip it.

  8. i live in Ca., unfrotunately u can't until u've seen the judge, u have to go on ur original date and time, and once there u can have them reschedule u (the judge makes the decision). i guess they have too many people trying to get out of jury duty that they had to change the rules. I had jury duty last month, and they wouldn't excuse me, they would only postpone my service date

  9. get your boss to write a letter asking for you to be excused due to professional obligation.

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