
Is there a way to get offline messages back on aim?

by Guest66954  |  earlier

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Okay, so I was at 6 flags all day yesterday. I went on aim when I got home and got a few offline messages from someone (I'm not going into detail who, but I've been waiting the the messages for a few days now and it's about something extremely important.)

Okay so after I recieved it, my aim screen was half off my page for some reason, so I wasn't even able to read them. So then my computer froze and I wasn't able to move the aim screen so I was able to read it. So then I ended it and turned it off. I signed back on and everything worked. I clicked on the kid's screen name and then the IMs wouldn't show.

Is there a way to get them back? Or is it too late now? I have the most updated verison of aim, btw.

And even if I IM them back saying I wasn't able to read it, they might not reply again for a long time. So, don't say to ask what they said.




  1. Sence the running process is already closed their is probally not a way of recovering The conversation you can try going to put the arrow on the kids screen name and click view past logs or something good luck

  2. AIM does allow you to keep a log of all your IM messages- whether you actually had a conversation with them, or they just said hello or somethin.  You have to enable it through the settings

    Unfortunately- I don't believe there's any way to get the message you want back, since you don't have a log or anything.  Sorry

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