
Is there a way to get out of a car loan? beside repo or lemon law?

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Is there a way to get out of a car loan? beside repo or lemon law?




  1. No. You signed a contract and you are financially obligated to the lender. A repossession isn't a way out of a car loan. You still owe the money, but now you have no car. The lemon law is designed to protect buyers of new vehicles which have serious manufacturing defects. Again, it is not a way out of a loan.

  2. You need to explain your question a bit more dude.

    Why do you want to get out of the loan? and what do you mean get out of?

    Do you want to keep the car and not pay for it?

    Do you want to sell the car and pay your loan out?

    What exactly do you mean?

  3. It can really save you some money to just get an automobile loan price online to check out what the going rates are.  You might be really happy.  Also if your credit is not good, a lot of them are more willing to help you.

    What I most often tell folks is that an online quote at is what I would do.

  4. If you mean having to not pay the loan anymore while still keeping the vehicle, no. You must somehow either pay off the loan or let them repo the vehicle to get out of the loan.

  5. Getting a new car loan is not easy though it can be the easiest way to attain your dream car. There are many players in the car finance industry and for the consumer choosing the best<!--type of loan is a difficult task. Many factors have to be considered before taking up a car loan. Whether you want to take up a loan or not, will depend upon the car you want to buy.

    Since the rates of interest on different cars vary so the type of loan that you need will depend on the car you want.The total cost of the new car loan does not include only the interest payable but also-->extra charges such as processing, transaction fees, documentation fees or any other fees. So one has to confirm with the financer as to the other charges that accompanies an auto loan.

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