
Is there a way to get out of paying medical bills?

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I got into an auto accident that wasn't my fault and at the time I couldn't afford to pay the bills to get a doctor to treat me so I was forced to settle by the insurance company for just enough to pay the medical bills but by then I had missed work and had to use the money for other bills. Everyone says medical bills don't show up on your credit but They do on mine.Is there a way to claim it as a tax deduction or some kind of government program that will help me? I just started some contruction work but it's really slow right now and I know I can't get any help from the Welfare department because they only help the lazy people and the dope heads so where can a working man get help regarding medical bills?




  1. I have worked as credit officer previously and currently I am a paramedic and ER nurse.  Most credit lending institutions overlook medical bill collections or judgements that show up on your credit because many insurance companies delay payment for many reasons, thus the billing medical facility has to try to collect payment somehow and that means charging you directly.  If you don't/can't pay, they turn you into collections.  It does hurt your overall beacom score but as long as the rest of your credit is good, it will be overlooked.  You should contact the billing department and they will be make payment arrangements and probably give you some kind of discount.  If you make your payments as agreed, you can get the hospital to report to the three credt reporting agencies to take the collection/judgement off your credit report.

      Now, in response to the answer given by the poster who advised not paying, not answering the phone, wait 7-10 yrs, you are a disgusting free loader who obviously has no shame.  I bet if you provided a service to someone who then refused to pay for it, you'd be irrate.  But it's ok as long you benefit from it, huh.  Part of the reason why medical bills are so expensive is because worthless scum like you who don't believe you have to pay.  So the honest hard working people who have a little self respect and honor who pay their bills have to pay extra in order to cover the facilities losses by jackasses  like this poster who probably feels like they're  entitled to something.  People like you bombard the ER's with your minor complaints like a rash that you've had for days, back pain for months, an earache for 3-4weeks or any other complaint that can be treated at an urgent care clinic.  But urgent care clinics or family practice doctor's offices require at least a copay or partial payment up front, you come to the ER because we can't refuse you for any reason, even if you owe the hospital 10's of thousands of dollars for non payment from previous visits.  So next time you or a loved one are in the ER waiting room with a real emergency, look around at the people in the waiting room with you and ask yourself, how many of these people don't need to be here, or worse yet, how many of these people are in a room already that could be used for you or someone who really needs it?  To the person asking the question, don't be that person.  The hospital will work with you if just talk to them.

  2. call the billing departments and talk to them about a reduction.. I work in a medical office and we charge 5 times what medicare will allow so in other words for an office visit we charge $350 but only get paid $50 so if you were our patient we would reduce your charge down to the $50.. doesn't ever hurt to call the doctors and ask.. plus some hospitals have a special assistance program to where you may not have to pay anything  

  3. talk to the billing dept. from where the bills are from. Some places will knock off a portion of the bill for low income people or people with no insurance.  

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