
Is there a way to go directly to someones voicemail without there phone ringing?

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Is there a way to go directly to someones voicemail without there phone ringing?




  1. if you're both on the same carrier, it might work (depending on the carrier) if you call your voicemail and use the option there (usually '2') to send a message.  if you're on different carriers, you can use a service like sendabuz (888-5-sendabuz) to send a voicemail to a cell number on any carrier without the phone ringing.

  2. Yes there is a way. There are a couple ways you can do it depending on your carrier. The easiest way is if you both have the same carrier. You can call into your voice mail and then usually there is an option to leave someone else a message. For me the option is "To send a message, press1." If you don't use the same carrier you'll need to know the voice mail access number (which is tough to find). Good luck.

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