
Is there a way to help me punch/headbutt harder in a fight???

by  |  earlier

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You see, there's this guy I really wanna get revenge on; in january this yr this year 8 (i'm in year 10) was p***ing me off really bad so i hit him three times and broke a bone in his face, so he went and got this other year 8 to come and hit me, which he did (it didn't hurt at all even though he hit me twice and headbutted me 3 times, but everyone thought it did, and i've heard since that he wasn't even trying), and I was so so annoyed but I couldn't do anything back coz of his mates in Year 11. But, they've left now so I need to get revenge on him; the problem is, I've heqard hes like so phenomenally strong year 8, lyk hardest in year 8, and stronger than quite a lot of my year and year 9s. Soo i don't really wanna fight him unless i can hit/fight harder; I'm joining boxing soon and startingn to lift weights and stuff, but is there actually any way I can punch harder quickly (some technique etc) because I've heard it takes a while to make boxing etc take effect? Any ideas?




  1. Its really not even worth it to fight troublemakers , you should keep your calm and go on with your business , but anyway , if trouble comes to you and you dont have a choice , heres a helpful tip , when you punch , do not use the traditional horizontal punch , instead , use a vertical punch and keep your elbows in close to your body. This will help generate more force and structure because your arm will be in a correct body alignment and will provide more support than a horizontal punch.

  2. i wouldn't fight him. you be better than him. you be the better man. if he does try to fight you again though you can defend yourself. i suggest putting ankle weights in your wrists and then punching a punching bag to get your hits up.

  3. Heres an idea, why not be the real man and forget it? who gives a c**p if that happened its over now, if he tries again then keep away, throw punches when he misses his but otherwise dont fight him, be the bigger man by walking away.

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