
Is there a way to hook my tivo up too my wifi network? so i don't have a cord stretched accross my livingroom?

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Is there a way to hook my tivo up too my wifi network? so i don't have a cord stretched accross my livingroom?




  1. There is a way if you have one of the newer models.  If you have a TiVo Series 2, Series 3, or HD box, you are in luck.

    TiVo has made a wireless receiver you can plug into the USB port on your machine.  It takes about a minute to set-up.  If you have more than one TiVo, you can hook them all up into your home network and actually transfer programs from one TiVo to the other.  And, with TiVo Desktop Software, you can bring your recorded shows into your computer and then move them onto a portable device, like an iPod.

    The wireless networking opens up a lot of possibilities.  For information about TiVo and a good place to look for a wireless receiver, check out .

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