
Is there a way to improve dish network signal?

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I had a rain storm last weekend and wanted to check the weather. Turned on the TV and saw searching for signal.... Ahhhhh. Is there a way to improve the signal using the old analog antenna I have on my house? Or something else I could use? I have only had Dish network for about 1 month and I am thinking of canceling.




  1. 333333333

  2. what signal are you searching for? is it your analog, soon to be no more off air, or your dish network satelllite, or do you have something like a terk that hooks up into or onto the dish?

    honestly the answer is you are still under warranty if you've only had it one month, call dish network @ 1-800-333-3474 to troubleshoot and setup a service call

  3. Make sure your dish is aligned properly and mounted securely (i.e. on a solid post).  If the dish is not aimed accurately, then you will have this kind of problem.  Generally in the USA this kind of "rain fade" should only cause problems a very small fraction of the time and for a brief interval.

    Sometimes installers mess up on the aiming, or else the dish is not secure and it gets moved by wind, rain or somebody bumping it.  Aiming the dish properly requires the use of a signal meter,  If it was done professionally, then you should demand that they come back and fix it.  Unless you live in India and it's monsoon season, this is not normal and can be fixed.  

    You can also realign the dish yourself with a meter. It is quite cheap and easy  (see the reference). Specific info on using a signal meter is on the draft preview page at  Without a meter is it also possible using the on-screen strength meter, but it is very frustrating and not at all reliable.

  4. Switch to a 3 LNB dish. Works alot better

  5. We have dish network and every time the wind blows (it seems that way) or it rains that happens to us.  You can watch a recorded movie on their while it is searching for the signal.  Otherwise it has not been that bad.  You need to call them and tell them what is going on (complain), maybe they can have someone come out (tell them you will not pay for the tech) and fix it.  I am serious, don't let them charge you for a visit, tell them either they fix it or you will cancel your service.  Maybe they will give you some kind of credit or something for your trouble and complaiing (to keep you from cancelling your service).  Sometimes that works with some companies.

  6. stick it on your chimney~]

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