
Is there a way to improve my breathing???

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My mom smokes and I'm sure its not helping me breath any better, I always try to leave the room when she starts. I play lacrosse and I notice that I start panting very early just after sprinting once so I wanna know if there is any breathing exercises that improve you lungs air intake?




  1. It could just be your stamina-so maybe start doing more endurance training-if not check out the book Super Power breathing it's by Paul and Patricia Bragg-it's all about breathing and detoxing-

  2. Good for you for getting away from the smoke. That's the first

    way to improve your lung power.

    A way I am trying -- I have asthma -- is to sing. It stretches your

    lung muscles, and if you do a half hour a day, it can improve

    your breathing. Another way is to sit like you are meditating, and

    calmly take deeeeeeeep breaths, hold them as long as you can,

    and let them out slowly. Practice mindful breathing, where you

    are aware of how deeply you breathe in everyday situations.

    Breathe as freely and deeply as you can, in all situations.

  3. maybe you should search breathing excersises. i do them in yoga and there is one that doctors recommend if you have asthma. even tho u dont have asthma it could still help.

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