
Is there a way to jump from a high height and land it without hurting yourself?

by  |  earlier

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Well I want to know if there is a way to jump from tall heights without hurting yourself. Like is there a body position that helps? Now I know this is a cartoon but could this body position work?




  1. just as you land, do a summersalt so all the shock would go through your body

  2. how about bendin ur knees and then jump but keep ur arms out fo balance

  3. That body position would probably work up to a certain extent, but I don't recommend it for very high heights.

    To land a jump and not hurt yourself, you have to keep in mind NEVER to land with your knees straight. Always bend them the moment you touch the ground.

    Here's a tutorial teaching several ways of landing from high heights.

    The link below will show you how they use it.

    Out of so many sports, the best breakfalls I've seen are from parkour where impact is really heavy and movement is really fast so I believe if you learn the breakfalls from parkour it'll probably work for you (:

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