
Is there a way to keep his childs mother from bothering us when its not about the child?

by Guest64630  |  earlier

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My husband has a child with his ex-girlfriend, he will be 4 soon. His sons mother called ME so often i had to change my phone number, email and other things to get away from her. She made up a lot of fake things to try and show that i was cheating on my husband, etc. etc. Lets just say she is crazy. So, my question there anything we can do or file so that she can not contact us if it is not about the child? We love to hear how he is doing and what is going on in his life, but every time we try she starts yelling and screaming at us. She calls names, tells lies, she makes it very hard to check on my step-son. Please help us, is there anything else we can do?




  1. by a bb gun.


  3. Well, good luck with that. I remember when I first started dating my husband. His son's (2 at the time) mother would call my house to tell him about her hemrroids. Yeah, as if he cared. As if that, in any way, pertained to their son. So, anyway, eventually she moved on found herself a husband and (I am assuming) tells HIM about her hemrroids LOL

    If, however, her antics are keeping you from checking on his son's welfare talk to a lawyer. You may be able to take her to court to get more time with him or get weekly "phone visits" or whatever if she refuses to be cooperative. Good luck.

  4. I believe there needs to be some adult talk between all of you guys I mean do he show signs that he still like/ want to be with her. I have kids and my childs father and I get alone great I don't want him so I don't care about the lady in his life the same goes for him. He needs to put her in her place. Let her know that she can not disrespect you in any shape form or manor. PUT HIS FOOT DOWN!!!

  5. hmmm.... I would say there are two options to approaching this. One option would be that if she is really driving you crazy to the point where it is seriously disrupting your personal affairs, I would actually go down to the sherrif's department and issue a restraing order. That way she will no longer be able to bother you unless it is about the child. BUT, you sound like a really decent person who wants to be on friendly terms with the woman, so if that is the case I would simply sit her down and explain the situation and how you feel. Maybe she is so jealous she doesn't even realize what she is doing. Good luck, I really hope this helps you it sounds like you're in a sort of dilemma! (yeah i know i cant spell!)

  6. I know it may be hard for you, maybe even hurt but you should just totally eliminate yourself from any communication with her. Let him pick up the child and make all the phone calls. This may make it easier since she probably doesn't like you because you know. It's a messy thing but this is how it goes. Him, the son and her and then you, your husband, and the step son sometimes the only way to keep the peace is to take yourself away from it. The step son should be the only thing that matters to you. Let them two work out visitation and schedules to call the son and you support your husband when needed but just forget about dealing with the crazy women. You don't want things to get so bad that she doesn't contact you guys anymore. She's history don't waste time on her.

  7. restraing or mace

  8. The best thing you can do is go to court and get set visitations if you haven't done that yet.  Once in court designate a public place for you to meet to pick up and drop off.

    She will have to have some way to get in contact with you while He is with you and your husband though.  I suggest buying one of those cheap prepaid phones and using that for just her.  She can call it whenever she wants but you can also screen the calls to when you want to answer.  Do the same thing with email.  Make am email just for her that you can check and get updates on.  It makes it a lot easier to weed out all the "EX" material and focus on just the child.  I hope this helps, good luck and God Bless.  

  9. Well, I am going through the same thing. Where she won't let my soon to be hubby even talk to the kids on the phone! WTF is wrong with these women I ask.....BUT really the only thing I've found out that you can do is the following:

    Keep a log of when dad tried to call and the conversation that took place

    Keep ALL corresponding emails, texts, mail, etc

    Of course keep all receipts of monies that you all have given to her for his son

    DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT give her your # again!

    Have him change his number, call from a blocked # so that she cannot harass you all

    File harassment charges against her, if you live in the same state, eventually (about 3 months worth of turning it in) they 'will' issue a warrant for her arrest

    Get an attorney, ask for a mediator

    That's the best advice I can give you. I don't know what's wrong with these women.....good luck tho!

  10. A friend of mine was in a very similar situation with his ex.  He ended up having to tape his conversations with her and bringing the tape to court with him.  (He told her that he was recording the conversation, thereby making the tape admissible)

    It's important to try and maintain a good (civil) relationship with her for the sake of your stepson, but I agree that she went way over the bounds.

    Do you guys get to see him often?  You didn't say, but I get the impression that you don't....


  12. You should consult a lawyer. They can help you figure out a co-parenting plan and maybe address custody issues.  

  13. OK so when she calls or you call her and she starts ranting, keep your cool and calmly say " this has nothing to do with the boy" and hang up. Don't give her the power to make about more than the child.

    If shes not too thick she should get after the first time.

    Good Luck

  14. Have your husband talk to her and lay down the rules. Sue for custody or visitation. This is a job for your husband; not you.  If this is interfering with your marriage, you have the right to confront your husband to be a husband.

  15. Ok you have lots of things to think about. Read a book Venus the dark side by Roy Sheppard and Mary T. Cleary .It's more towards domestic abuse but it will give you idea's of what might make her tick. Document in a journal but it has to be in a old fashion binder not torn out of a notebook. Good luck. Just keep an open mind.  

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