
Is there a way to keep yourself from vomiting?

by Guest62361  |  earlier

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Anyway to keep yourself from vomiting even if you are sick? Good ways to cure nausea?

Let me know!




  1. One time I had to vomit

    and I drunk soda it helps...


  2. If your body is ready to puke, you better find a good place to do it, cause it's extremely hard to stop it.  I have found that if I feel nauseous, taking dramamine really helps.  If I have a stomach virus, I always take it to help with nausea.  It works good for hangovers too.  I have passed it out many times the day after a good party....

  3. I usually suck on lime.  The lime juice has a way of settling the stomach.

    Sometimes nausea is a result of gas in the digestive system.  Gas sometimes develop because your system is acidic.  You thus do not digest your foods as fast as you should.  Citrus usually do a good job in restoring the proper ph of the stomach.  It is recommended that you eat more of all kind of fruits. However if your stomach is not well it is best to eat fruits as a meal at least one hour before or after any other food groups.  Along with the fruits, a wide variety of nuts is also very good to eat for your stomach health.

    Reduce the amount of carbohydrate you eat especially pastries and  sweets.  Replace these with vegetables.

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