
Is there a way to kill mice outside without harming any other outside animals?

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like raccoons or squirrels?




  1. Cats are good.  There are also glue traps or box type traps that would be too small for those others to fit into.

  2. why do you want to kill mice outside? why not just leave them as they are...?

  3. Snap traps. You put them where the mice travel, can hide them behind barrels, walls, etc. They work really well for us and the nice part is you don't have half-dead rodents wondering around, the mice die instantly(and the cats like them fresh). Only thing is don't put them where a small child may discover them as they does snap pretty dang hard(obviously). And don't forget to bait them(I'm not sure they always put that tidbit of info on the packaging:). You can find them at just about any store, Wal-mart, Tractor Supply, etc.

  4. Mouse traps and cats would work, Go to a farm supply or feed-store and they have this stuff, it reminds me of  "brittle" put in areas only a mouse or rat would or could go.....rafters, inside their hole etc. etc

    This stuff kicks butt!! Don't think a cat or dog would even be interested.

  5. Mouse traps are too small to catch squirrels.

    If you don't want the spring-loaded type, there are the three-sided glue-type traps;  the mouse supposedly goes into the triangular-shaped opening and gets stuck, although I've never actually caught one with them.

    I always use the spring-loaded type, and put them in a small area where our cats, squirrels, etc. cannot get into.

  6. Why would you want to kill raccoons or squirrels? Leave them be in nature. No need to be cruel.  

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