
Is there a way to lighten the color of my p***s?

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i have dark skin and a darker p***s and i just wanted to know if it was possible to lighten the skin of my p***s (not with special special cremes, easy products limited at the supermarket)




  1. There is no way to lighten the color of the p***s; the reason most penises are darker than the rest of the body is because there are many, many blood vessels that are so close to the surface of the skin, and the blood causes the skin to darken. This is similar in function to blushing, as blushing causes blood to rush to the vessels beneath the skin, causing the flushed red color you see when you blush. The only way to pale the color of the skin would be to remove blood vessels, and in regard to the p***s, that is a terrible idea, as the majority of it's function is dependent on blood flow to the organ. Just look at the coloration as a charm of your p***s, learn to like it and you'll be a lot better off.

  2. honestly i dont think there is a way to lighten the skin on ur p***s .  an why does it matter ?  

  3. Well that's normal thing your p***s has to have a darker color then your skin Because of the pigmentation and the absents of the sunlight

  4. I really think it would work if you would soak it in clorox for at least one hour per day, for one year.

    If you try this and it works, please let me know.

    This is only my THEORY. There could be some bad effects. It is YOUR decision. If you do this and you do have some bad effects, let me know that also and I'll never advise anyone about this serious problem again.

    If this does not work, then whenever you are exposed, turn off all lights and no one will ever know. ALSO, never expose yourself to sunllight. It cannot be turned off.

    Good luck to you on solving your serious medical problem.

  5. Paint it white.

    It's the only way.

  6. food colour. works every time... yellow is the best but id go tie dye.

  7. Wow about conceited LOL

  8. Every guy's p***s is darker than the rest of them.  I'm sorry to say this but trying to lighten it is one of the stupidest and most vain things I've ever heard of.  Lightening creams enter the skin and can have negative effects on your testicles if you use them in that area but if you are so vain that you don't care, go ahead.  Hydroquinone is the active ingredient in lightening creams.  Look for one that has it and the say bye-bye to your chances of having a child without birth defects.

  9. Whatever you do won't make it feel better... I'd be leaving well enough alone.. I mean.. if it works why fix it!

  10. not possible.

  11. get some paint at home depot

  12. massage gently everyday for about 10 minutes its a great way to lighten it up as not as much blood is flowing down there

  13. Why does it even matter?

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