
Is there a way to listen to Sirius satellite radio online?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to listen to Sirius for a couple of hours but it's not worth it for me to install all the equipment for just 2 hours at most, is there a one-day pass online or something like that? (I'll pay for a one-day access, I just want to listen to the interview of my favorite band, I have no further interest in Sirious).




  1. They do have an offering for a 3 day pass so that you could "try out" Sirius.  You provide your e-mail address, information and choose a password.  Once you do that, you can tune in to a majority of what Sirius offers (not everything is offered online)

  2. You'll have to subscribe if you want to listen to it online...or get a subscriber's user name and password.

  3. You can't pay for days you listen to it. Sirius is a subscription service starting at 12.95 a month. You can take a 3 day trial and won't have to pay anything by going here -

    Hopefully you didn't miss your band!

  4. I dont think there is anything for just 1 day.

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