
Is there a way to make alcohol affect you less?

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Is there a way to make alcohol affect you less?




  1. No, there is no way to make alcohol affect you less except for drinking less of it.  Having a full meal before getting drunk just means you will throw up more violently when you get enough alcohol inside you.  Drinking coffee or water while drinking only slows down the rate of your drinking other things.  

    Some people are genetically better able to process alcohol than others, but that's just something you are born with.  They will still get drunk though.  Some people can handle being drunk better because they've had more practice.  But they're still drunk too.  

    If you're planning to drink to excess, just accept that you're going to be drunk and probably puke and move on.  If you just want to make yourself look good at a party by drinking a lot but still staying in control, then you have to practice it to learn what your limits are and know not to go beyond them.  

    You should have a good meal before drinking, and you should balance your alcohol with water so you don't get too dehydrated.  But that won't really make alcohol affect you less.  If  you don't want to get drunk, then don't drink too much.

  2. Eat before/during drinking. Gain Weight. Become a male.

  3. Yes eat more....drink less alcohol...drink plenty of water while your throwing them back....take ibuprofen and a multi-vitamen before falling asleep.

  4. I truely feel food as well as water will help the effects of alcohol on your body. Alcohol makes you feel thirsty because it dehydrates you(one of the reasons for bad hangovers), and drinking some water will help you not want to keep drinking more because of this "thirsty" feeling.

    Also, the food does absorb some of the alcohol, I have a hard time at parties and find saltine crackers help my stomach find it's center of gravity.

    On the other hand, just knowing when to stop is probably the best advice I can give you. I have 1-3 drinks per trip to a sports bar. It's a head change but not overdoing it

  5. Eat something before you drink and/or have a glass of water evry couple drinks.

  6. yeah.... stop drinking alcohol. it is bad if you have too much, so stop drinking. hope this helps

  7. Make sure you eat prior to drinking, if you have a full stomach the contents will absorb the alcohol better than if you had an empty stomach.

  8. berocca before you drink and x1 glass water per x1 glass alcohol if you want

  9. It's true that drinking on an empty stomach will increase the inebriated feeling. If you're a student try eating chocolate mousse before you go out on a spree. It wont stop you throwing up, but it's much more pleasant. Sorry - student in the 60s, the advice is probably no longer PC.

  10. Eat a meal before you drink the alcohol, it will affect you less

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