
Is there a way to make goggles or glasses fog-proof or do you have to buy them like that?

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Is there a way to make goggles or glasses fog-proof or do you have to buy them like that?




  1. UPDATE:

    Buying them is the best way. I asked my coach the ones he recommends are as followed:

    ~ Tri-Velocity (His Choice for #1)

    ~ Aquashere Seal Mask

    ~ View Visio

    ~ Zura Attack

    * Below was a suggestion, however, not valid under water.

    Try Rain X it works on windshield of vehicles in all weather conditions great.  It's the only product I can think off that could work. Google it.  Good Luck.

  2. just put toothpaste on the mask, then rinse.

    or you can spit on it.

    looks eeooww but it works.

  3. you could smear toothpaste in the lense and then wipe it off with alittle water and a cloth but no soap, just don't use toothpaste with the gritty stuff in it, as that will more than likely scratch your goggles or glasses

    also, while many brands claim to have fog-proof goggles, TYR goggles are the best that i know to actually hold up to that claim, speedo and cheap brands usually fog up

  4. I use Zero-Fog anti-fog coating for swim goggles... It works, and it's really cheap, only like 4 dollars.

    Also, Speedo's Women's Vanquisher Goggles have anti fog coating, but you just have to be sure not to rub the inside of them with your fingers or else they start to fog.

  5. YOu can spit on the lennses. It sounds gross but it really works!

  6. Don't use spit and don't worry about grit in toothpaste. You actually WANT to use gritty paste. It helps remove the film the manufacturer puts on that causes the fog in the first place for a new goggle or mask.. As for the spit...your mouth is a very dirty place. Spitting the mask or goggles puts that bacteria right next to your eyeballs. Use a commercially available anti fog instead. Cheap, works and you don't have to worry about an eye infection.

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