
Is there a way to naturally make my b***s bigger?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I know that for some women, taking birth-control helps increase cup size because of the estrogen in it.

  2. My friends mom told her to do an exercise thing, but its kind of hard to explain. Take both your hands and grab your wrists.Pull them closer and apart, keep doing that. You'll notice the move up and down.. lol

  3. I asked my friend about this one too she said drink lots of milk, it should work : ] x  

  4. There is no foods or excercises you can do to really make your b***s bigger . You can always eat high in fat foods and not excercise as much to make you become fatter , that'll make you go up a size or two ... it all depends on how big you are. But , think to yourself ; Do you really want to have big b***s if it means big everywhere else too ?  I think you'll be better off being yourself  , and just buy a pushup bra to make you look bigger , bras from Lasenza are great for this . Go to Lasenza and get measured properly and ask them what a good pushup bra for you would be , and they'll show you .  The people that work there are experts in that stuff so they'll know , and are the best people to go to :)

    hope i helped  :)

    if you need any more advice , contact me at ;

  5. You can get pregnant.

  6. Get closer to the mirror.

  7. You can do chest exercises to support the b*****s better and make them appear larger.

  8. How old are you?

    How big they are has to do with your diet.

    GENETICS play a big role too,

    my mom has a full chest and so do I.

    They will grow when they need too, stop worrying!

    If you haven't hit puberty, thats probably why.

  9. If you haven't hit puberty, that'll help.  

  10. Take a papaya, cut it in half, put milk in it, and spoon and eat! Tastes great and really helps. If you keep eating papayas and drinking milk (doesn't have to be at the same time, but I do that) your b*****s will become bigger, if you haven't hit puberty, they will also grow bigger. But your b*****s will stop growing at a certain point depending on the b*****s of your mom and your grandparents...

    Answer Mine?

  11. its all in the genes

  12. your b***s are usually in proportion to your body.

    b***s aren't that big of a deal so stop worrying about them.

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