
Is there a way to predict my baby's hair color?

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I have red hair but it's dark sometimes even looks brown with a hint of red and my fiance has blond. Both of my parents had brown hair. His mom has brown hair and his dad had red but none of their kids ended up with red hair. Will my baby boy have red hair? It's not that I will love him any differently I just know kids can be cruel and I don't want him to get made fun of.





  2. its like lottery genetics. until your doctors can extract DNA, you really can't know for sure.

  3. no theres no way unfortunatly. I wish.....

  4. what's wrong with red hair? nobody will make fun of him. the most popular girl in my high school has red hair and it's beautiful.

  5. I don't think there is any way to predict it. My fiance has black hair and I have red hair (well I used to anyway) and 2 of my kids have blondish red hair, mostly blonde and brown colored, and my youngest has bright red hair. I was worried about him having red hair too but he is soo fricken cute!  He has red hair, green eyes and big dimples. So I wouldn't worry too much Im sure they will be cute no matter And redheaded kids get lots of attention from the older crowd.

  6. lol well i have black hair and my husband has blonde and my daughter has dirty blonde. i was told by my classes in school (cosmetology) that darker hair had the dominant genes. were trey wrong. but then again she is only 7 months so it may change. we'll see. but no i dont think so.

  7. the red hair gene usually skipped a generation. and both parents have to carry the gene , and in this case you both do. so your kids could have red hair , brown blonde. you have a wide range of colors. (:

  8. Generally (unless both parents have recessive genes) the dark color is dominant and will most likely be the color of the hair unless a recessive gene occurs! :)

  9. it is what it is.

    you love your kids no matter what and teach them confidence

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