
Is there a way to prevent America and Israel igniting a new world war?

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Is there a way to prevent America and Israel igniting a new world war?




  1. just to put this out the us put all the jewish people in isareal after ww2 the split it in half  

  2. please tell me how? Iran is a lose cannon if we let them get nukes were s******g ourselves over......and what about the European countries? the Eu and Nato arn't ruleing out military action either...the Eu has tried talking with Iran sine 03 its gone no were they just see it as a sign of weakness we should bomb one of the facitlies NOT INVADE  but bomb one or to of the facitlies jsut to show them we mean bussiness and than if that fails after 6 months we invade.....

  3. Bush has totally ignored diplomacy in that area of the world . The Republicans are spoiling for a fight -if McCain gets elected get ready for WW3 .

  4. Nuke Iran NOW before it spreads

    Dear Thinking Public,

    Iran has once again refused to comply with the international community in regards to its Nuclear ambitions. Brandishing 6,000 centrfuges for the purpose of...bringing light into the world? Lets let Their record speak No! lets let the Iranian President speak for himself. "Israel is to be wiped off the map" "It is a stinking corpse that is on its way to annihilation." The Supreme leader of Iran calls Israel "a cancerous tumor of a state (that)should be removed from the region." Iran violates the Human rights of its citizens and recently hung 29 people.

    Iran has sucessfully tested the launch and detonation of long range missles that can be used to deliver a nuclear weapon. They have secured a deal to recieve anti aircraft missles from the Russians. I guess that is to protect their "power station"

    Iran funds trains and arms terrorist groups such as Hamas who since 2005 have launched 8,000 rockets on Israeli civilians.

    If Iran was Germany would we hesitate... yep we did, and will again cuz we don't learn from history. Only this time Iran unlike n**i Germany will have a Nuclear cap to pop!

    It not as though we have anything to worry about other than the price of gas...

  5. Most definitely.  To ensure that the war-mongering neighbors of Israel quit harassing them.  Many people tend to believe that the Jewish stole Palestine's land.  But they forgot that a few hundred years before, the muslims drove themout!  If all the tyrannical leader would stop stripping the rights and freedom as human beings, the UN (not the USA), the 200-plus countries that make up the UN, wouldn't have to ask for the United States help.

    So, if there were to be a war prevented.  Ensure that they do not violate the accord that the UN has established amongst nations.  So, no more maiming, no more killing so the UN won't have to call on the US to put them straight!

  6. What makes you think it would be Isreal or the USA igniting it?  Is an Iranian attack the fault of the USA or Isreal?

  7. those idoits in washington do whatever they feel like

    they dont even try to listen to us anymore;...

  8. Nope. Nuke them all.

  9. The U.S. might start a war, but most of the world would refuse to play.  It's in no one's interest to disrupt the world's oil supplies and even our allies would be unlikely to buy into a war that might shut them off completely, all they'd have to do is cut off our credit and we couldn't afford to keep fighting.  It is also not in Israel's interest to further antagonize their neighbors, they want peace and security, not mutual destruction, if they see a chance for a diplomatic solution over a military one they'll certainly take it, no matter what we say.  Bush's "My way or the Highway" attitude has pushed us to the sidelines, and for McCain to continue his policies will only undermine us further.  We've simply got too many problems at home to devote more resources overseas, hopefully whoever wins in November will understand that.      

  10. Little too late.A world war was already ignited Sept 11

  11. Tbh i thought busch has ignored diplomacy in everything he does...

    Yeah nuke 'em. Kill the few to save the many.

  12. No one wants a war except Iran. Iran has openly declared their hostility and aggressive intentions. Israel has never been an aggressor rather a country that keeps trying to make peace with a world that does not want it to exist.

  13. America and Israel defending themselves from declared enemies who are sworn to their destruction is going to ignite a new World War?  Boy, are you several Chicken McNuggets short of a full Happy Meal!!!  At least we know whose side you're on and it ain't ours........

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