
Is there a way to prove babysitting as proof of income on taxes?

by Guest55881  |  earlier

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I am thinking about taking up babysitting on the side, for extra income. Is there any way I could use that income to show proof on my taxes?




  1. Only if you pay income taxes on money earned.

  2. If I understand your question, you want to know how to document the income you received for babysitting.  

    The IRS will almost never question revenue, because people tend not to exagerate how much money they received.  The one exception is earned income that qualifies the taxpayer for the earned income credit.

    You should keep records of every job, indicating who you worked for, where (their home or yours), how much you received, and any expenses you incurred, including mileage.  You should keep your receipts to document the expenses.

    Note: None of your customers will be issuing you a Form 1099, because the babysitting was a personal expense to them, not a business expense.

  3. at the end of the year, get a 1099 form.  that is the form for subcontractors, which is pretty much what a babysitter would be considered.  also, just make sure you keep a journal of how much you made each week, and have the person you work for sign it everytime they pay you.

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