
Is there a way to?

by  |  earlier

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burn a dvd from the cox dvr thingy ??? i want to burn dvd of some bball games and i need to know how




  1. yea there is way but that involves opening the dvr and removing the harddrive which is illegal. Also u can by and external hard drive and hook it up to your usb or firewire port in the back of the dvr and then connect it to you computer and transfer the file. The easiest thing to do is get a dvd recorder and hook up the output of the dvr to your dvd recorder and burn it to dvd that way.

  2. You DO NOT need to open up your Cox DVR.

    The simplest way to do this is to get a DVD recorder and hook up the video and audio out from the DVR to the DVD recorder video and audio in.  You press record on the DVD recorder and play on the DVR for the show you want to watch.  When listing a show you have previously recorded, there may even be a "save to vcr"  or "save to tape"  option of things to do with the show to facilitate this.  TiVo DVRs have this and I seem to remember my Comcast DVR having a setting to do this.

    The other option is to get a Video capture device for your PC or Mac and use that to record the shows from your DVR to your computer and then burn a DVD from your computer.

    I have friends who have used the DVD recorder method and I have used the video capture device method to record shows from DVRs.

    Try Yahoo! Search and Yahoo! Shopping to find video capture devices or DVD recorders to fit your needs.;_ylt=A0...;_ylt=An...
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