
Is there a way to read some ones mind please geeks help me?

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Like a cell phone or online mind reader? Because I have some neighbors who don't leave me alone with my thoughts and they know exActly what I'm thinking. I know this because one day they were repeating exactly what I was thinking.And they also went with me to a psychiatric center.THey were bothering me. ANd no its not in my mind. I'm thinking they just put the address of the location and thats how I was able to hear them over there! I feel like a criminal who no one believes he didn't do it! They think I'm hearing voices I already have mental issues to deal with,but hearing voices is not one of them. IS there an apparatus or gadget that maybe these people who are not rich bought in Ebay. My sister says they have to have good money to buy some kind of machine. I don't believe nothing my sister says because shes not a geek. SO geeks tell me if there is a machine that no one knows only geeks about mind reading. I looked in the internet ,but there is only magic mind reading topics.




  1. no. lets say you have a audience of 500 or whatever then someone says john. then you say november is important. yes my grandpa died. you say november because of thanksgiving

    its impossible

  2. There is no device to read minds such as you describe.  There are devices that can tell what areas of the brain are active and certain areas are active when a person is thinking of certain things.  But these are vague areas and cannot determine actual thoughts.  You also have to be connected to a very large machine with wires taped all over your head.  

    Some people are very good at guessing what a person is thinking about from body language and other clues.  Some people are also very good at subtly directing a person to think of certain things.  This is how stage magicians and fortune tellers "read" peoples minds.  Your neighbors have an advantage in that they seem to know you and know some of your habits, etc.  They might also have less than honorable motives in doing this to you.  But to do what you are asking is impossible.

  3. No, there isn't any way to read a person's mind

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